Deep Time by Trevor Baxendale is an original story that ties in to the ninth series of the BBC show Doctor Who featuring the 12th Doctor. It is a book you will want to read if you are a fan but not something a reader would enjoy if they were not familiar with the series. The book starts off decently with some basic setup on the Doctor and Clara, but there was not enough to get me interested in any of the parallel characters. The setup and premise were decent for the setting, going into great detail on the ship itself but it would have been better to focus more on the people the Doctor and Clara were adventuring with. Jem and Captain Drake would have been much better and more sympathetic, had they been developed better. Instead, all we get from them is the obvious death flags of “After this, we are going to retire to a planet of our choosing!" The other characters were lackluster, as well.
The book was a quick, okay read at about 250+ pages. It was one of several published at the same time and it was confusing trying to figure out the order in which to read them. Will I read this again? Maybe not, but this is definitely one that you get, just to complete your collection.
I was provided a free copy of this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.
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